Parenting doesn't come with a handbook...

until now.

I know, a lot of people do not want to hear parenting advice. You want to believe that you are already a great parent, and you are! 

But, what if I told you that what I share with you could make a MAJOR change in your chid's life FOREVER! 

The foundation for how we become as an adult begins right in our childhood home. We have other influences like friends, school, church, and now social media, but our home life shapes how we perceive and accept or reject the influence from those other areas. 

The purpose of Healthy Parenting | Healthy Child is not to change you as a parent but to help you learn new techniques that will ultimately build a better relationship with your child and give them a healthy future. There are some things that we were taught in our childhood that are not actually helpful and effective in parenting a mentally healthy child. 

If you are ready to break those unhelpful habits and generational curses sign up today and get ready for a priceless transformation for you, your child, your family, and generations to come.


How long will you wait for the opportunity to make sure your child is growing with a healthy mind?

Is this course for you?

If you answer yes to any of these ➡️ the answer is YES

  • You experience high levels of stress when it comes to parenting

  • You feel that your relationship with your child could be improved

  • Your current discipline techniques seem to not be working

  • You are unsure of how to implement discipline practices that work and do not kill your child's self-esteem

Why This Course

What do you get out of this course? Great Question!

  • Relationship

    The better relationship you have with your child the more open they will be in expressing their feelings, troubles, exciting new, and more with you and not hide things from you.

  • Less Stress

    I am going to teach you how to decrease your stress levels by being more mindful in your parenting. We will also discuss self-care for parents.

  • Healthy Child

    You wouldn't be here if you did not care about your child having a healthy mind and healthy life. I am going to show you things you can implement every day to make sure your child grows healthy.

Let's Get Started

You are on your way to raising a mentally healthy child. Click the button below to enroll now!

Your Instructor

Khia Glover

Khia Glover is a Licensed Social Worker. Khia has worked with children and families for over 10 years through therapy and teaching and is excited to share her wealth of knowledge with you. Khia created Notes by Khia in 2018 to educate communities on mental health and empower those struggling. Khia's passion for children's mental health led her into the field of social work. In Khia's years of teaching and therapy she has noticed a need for more advocacy and education in the area of children's mental health, particularly in the area of the way parents view their mental health. As a result, Healthy Parenting | Healthy Child was created.

Work with Khia 1:1

Want a more personalized plan with Khia?

Individual sessions with Khia include 4 sessions with the option to include your child/children in one of the strategy sessions Khia is ready to help you make lasting transformations that will benefit many generations to come

Coming soon!

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